As kitty sits down from a hard day’s work she hears a knock on her door she gets up to answer her door she open her door looks around and sees flowers on the floor in a vase and a note on it she picks up the vase and reads the note you saved me life some time ago here are some flowers signed anonymous. She smelled the roses then started to cough then she felt dizzy and pass out on the ground the chair that was just a little down the hallway shapeshift back to the chameleon ha ha i can’t believe that worked now to take you back to my place to get my revenge. As kitty wake up she look around the room she know where she was hello kitty nice of you to wake up chameleon said with a smile it took me some time to come up with a plan to get my revenge on you but i did and no the cat atomic bomb is not here when it blow me up twice and turned me into a pile of smoldering goo i learned it hurt. He pulls down a pulley system and hooks it up to the chair kitty was tied to the chair and could not move So now i come up with these he moves over to the lever and pulls the lever all the way back kitty chair starts to move up into the air. And moves over a hole covered by a metal door then it opens i throw you in these shark tank did you steal this from snaptrap kitty said with a smile of her own you see keswick went undercover he worked for snaptrap he told us about lerry he gets thrown into a shark tank when he talks back. Chameleon scratching his chin his eyes moving around his head he moves the lever to the middle kittys chair moves over to a a new hole covered by a metal door that’s right i planed ahead it open these time it had lava when i pull these lever down you will fall in i will now get my revenge just then Dudley tunnels out of the ground. I see keswick tracking device is working perfectly this is how i come in the first time you did not learn did you chameleon had he’s claw on the lever ready to plunge kitty into the lava before you do that can you sign these magazine villain of the year dudley held up the magazine it had chameleon on the cover. He had a big smile these was the first time he won villain of the year he left the lever looking for a pen when he find one he move over to dudley he grabs the magazine ready to sign dudley uppercuts chameleon knocking him out now he moves over to the lever he grabs the lever ready to pull it down. No dudley push it up or a burnt kitty i will be dudley pushed it up the metal door closed kitty starts to move away to a safe spot she get’s lowered to the ground dudley moves over to her and untie her good job as kitty rubs her hands she moves over to the chameleon and picks up the magazine looks at it funny it a fake throws it back down and they level the and get in the car. Kitty drives dudley home thanks him and takes a drive through town letting the wind hit her face after five minutes she finally go’s home back in her apartment she crawls in bad and falls asleep. As she walks in tuff something was off but she could not put her finger on it every one was working and nothing was out of place but she know something was wrong as the chief pops up there you are kitty come with me she walks with chief the run into dudley. Good now that you are both here we need to throw a wedding for you two
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